
Last weekend I went to see "the internship". Since I'm working in IT industry, I'm quite interested in the movie because it's about "google". I wanted to see those smart people in google and also the two comdians I like a lot - Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. But quite disappointing, it turned out it isn't that much an interesting movie. I watched "wedding crashers" before so I like Wilson and Vaughn's performances, even though sometimes they're full of low-end jokes. However, "the internship" has no excitement, or I should say no newness. Honestly I was looking forward to something like "the social network", or even better.

So, compared to other similar movies like "the social network", I have to say "the social network" is better. As I know that the movie about Jobs will come soon. I don't know how good it is. But since it's about "Jobs", it has to be Very Good. Otherwise the legend and fans would be mad I believe.


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